Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Things I Gave Away: First Post

This is a blog about giving things away and letting go. There is the obvious: too small clothes, outgrown toys, dishes we don’t use anymore. There is the material (or the memorial?): the photo of my law school graduating class, love letters from my youth, my grandma’s fur cape. And then, there’s the intangible, the mental and emotional: expectations, control, hard feelings. Outmoded ways of viewing the world. Thought patterns that serve no useful purpose. My maternal death-grip on my children’s daily life. My control freak manner of household management. And so on…. Join me, won’t you? I am curious to see what will happen, aren’t you?

1 comment:

  1. WHAT!??!!&*%$#??? Lisa, you gave away your grandmother's fur cape? What were you thinking?
